2015年2月1日 星期日

《Letting Go: The Pathway To Surrender》David R. Hawkins 之一

開 Blog 本意係想寫下讀後感(又或者邊讀邊寫),理解後用自己文字寫出,加強對書中內容的了解及記憶。

有呢個念頭係因為讀緊《Letting Go: The Pathway To Surrender》(David R. Hawkins)一書,書中道出如何放下不同的負面情緒。書中內容精煉,但自己希望能寫下摘要、心得、筆記等,可回頭參考,亦同時與有緣的朋友分享。

"Surrender" 一字,如果查字典,解釋係「投降;交出;放棄」,英文係 "Stop resisting to an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority ; Give up or hand over (a person, right, or possession), typically on compulsion or demand" 感覺係屈服於權力、非自願、非常負面。但我覺得書上 "Surrender" 如果譯作「放下」,頓時就會明白本書主旨。

作者 David R. Hawkins 係一位精神科醫生,最出名的著作係《Power vs. Force》。他的著作、觀點頗具爭議性,帶點宗教、神秘色彩。而《Letting Go》一書,被指為 Hawkins 作品中的總要,在 Amazon 上評價很非常高(出文之日,203/223 五星)。但另一方面,有人指作者抄襲,甚至有人根據行文用字,質疑《Letting Go》並不是出自 Hawkins 手筆。

而我自己重點則在於內容,希望《Letting Go》一書,可以幫到自己。

引用《Letting Go》中的文字 ——
When all the negative emotions have been worked through, surrendered to and let go of, relief finally occurs, and the former suffering is replaced by acceptance. Acceptance is different from resignation. In resignation there are still residuals of the previous emotion left. There is reluctance and a delaying of the true recognition of the facts. Resignation says, "I don't like it, but I have to put up with it."
Surrender 不是要屈從,而是放下、隨它去,去接受自己的感覺、接受已過去的事。



P.S. 忍唔住手加首《Let it go》添..... :')

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