Ninety-nine percent of guilt has nothing whatsoever to do with reality. In fact, the most pious, meek, and harmless individuals are often riddled with guilt. Guilt is really self-condemnation and self-invalidation of our worth and value as a human being.
Remaining unconscious of guilt (repression), however, does not solve it. The guilt re-emerges in the form of self punishment and through accidents, misfortune, loss of jobs and relationships, physical disease and sickness, tiredness, exhaustion, and the multiple ways the ingenious mind figures out how to bring about loss of pleasure, joy and aliveness.
When we see the truth of how programming happens, we will see that we are the pure, blank computer. We are the innocent space in which the programming is occurring. When we look at all of this we are going to get angry. Anger is better than resignation, apathy, depression, and grief!
Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender - David R, Hawkins
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